In this small series of artworks, I explore the rich complexities of American history, taking cues from the thought-provoking narrative of 'The Fourth Turning: An American Prophecy' by William Strauss and Neil Howe. Their theory of recurring generational cycles—highs, awakenings, unravelings, and crises—occurring roughly every century, has become the focal point of my creative exploration. Wrestling with the concept of predestined societal ebbs and flows, particularly in light of the turbulent past decade and a half, has been both challenging and enlightening. The series, titled "About a Human Lifetime," consists of still life arrangements that embody these four distinct phases. Discarded mechanical pieces are organized holding each other in place and creating a sturdy structure. From the first stage to the last the pieces hold together strong, reorganize, slowly degrade, and completely collapse.
I am still processing this work and have not come to a conclusion on how I feel about the result. I think, in some ways, the book is generalizing periods that cannot be simply categorized, but I still think there is some truth to how our society continues to shift. So far, I have only made two of these pieces: one being American 'high' 1946-1964 and American 'Awakening' 1964-1984.